Akcijska cijena - 20% popusta!
Najnovija verzija Etherwave Theremina po ekskluzivnoj akcijskoj cijeni - 20% popusta! Umjesto redovne cijene od 995,00 €, sada možete nabaviti ovaj futuristički instrument za samo 789,00 €!
Ponuda vrijedi do isteka zaliha. Za sve upite i narudžbe pošaljite mail na info@audion.hr
>Otkrijte čaroliju glazbe s Moog Etherwave Thereminom
Možda ste već čuli za instrument koji je ostao nepokolebljivo futuristički od svog prvog predstavljanja. Sada, s novim Etherwave Thereminom iz Mooga, taj vanvremenski zvuk je dostupniji nego ikad prije!
>Što je Etherwave Theremin?
Etherwave Theremin je glazbeni instrument koji je svojim jedinstvenim zvukom osvojio svijet i ostao nevjerojatno popularan od svog izuma prije gotovo 100 godina. Bez diranja, bez dodirivanja žica ili tipki - samo pokretima vaših ruku u zraku, stvara čarobni zvuk koji odjekuje prostorijom. To je instrument koji zvuči kao da dolazi iz budućnosti.
>Najnovija verzija: Etherwave Theremin
Najnovija verzija Etherwave Theremina iz 2022. donosi više mogućnosti nego ikada prije. Uz preciznu kalibraciju i poboljšane elektroničke komponente, ovaj instrument pruža zvuk koji će zadovoljiti i najzahtjevnije glazbenike.
>Zašto Etherwave Theremin?
Osim što je instrument iz snova za ljubitelje znanstvene fantastike, Etherwave Theremin je također omiljen među glazbenicima koji traže novu dimenziju u svom izričaju. Možete ga koristiti u različitim glazbenim žanrovima, od klasične glazbe i elektronske glazbe do eksperimentalnih kompozicija. S Etherwave Thereminom, vaša glazba će zvučati novo i jedinstveno.
Naručite svoj Moog Etherwave Theremin s 20% popusta i doživite zvuk budućnosti već danas.
Remodeled Etherwave Theremin! NA LAGERU!
Novi Etherwave Theremin usredotočen je na očuvanje legendarnih "theremin circuits" Boba Mooga kako bi zadržao sav šarm i karakter koji je učinio njegove prethodnike tako jedinstvenim i traženim, dodajući pritom niz novih prednosti:
For over 60 years, Moog theremins have captured the imagination of players and audiences alike. Most recently over the last two decades, Moog’s Etherwave Standard and Etherwave Plus have set the bar of performance theremin design. Now, the all-time highest-selling theremin models get an update to become simply Etherwave Theremin.
Manipulate sound without touch
With no reeds to blow, no keys to press, and no strings to pluck, the theremin defies all expectations of a musical instrument. It is instead played in a manner that seemingly conjures music from the ether, simply through the motion of the body when close to the instrument. Throughout history, performers have achieved unprecedented expression by mastering this unique connection between the hands, the body, the environment, and the instrument.
The theremin’s elegant simplicity and unparalleled expressivity fueled Bob Moog’s lifelong love affair with the instrument, from building his first theremin at age 14 and completing his final theremin design at age 70. Today, Etherwave Theremin carries on this legacy with a design that is refined for the modern theremin performer.
Dynamically track and control analog audio processing directly from your Theremin
Easily accessible front-panel controls allow for spontaneous changes in timbre, and the antennas’ response can be adjusted to suit any player and their environment (advanced users can go a step further via the calibration access panel on top of the instrument). A front-panel headphone output—with dedicated volume control—pairs with the addition of a Mute button that silences the main audio output, while leaving the headphone output active for privately adjusting timbre and tuning.
Connect Pitch CV, Volume CV and Gate outputs to your analog synthesizer for a completely new performance experience.
In addition, Etherwave Theremin can connect directly to—and control—your other modular, semi-modular, and Eurorack synthesizer systems via CV (Control Voltage). Control your synthesizers or effects while playing the theremin by patching into Etherwave Theremin’s 3.5mm Pitch CV, Volume CV, and Gate CV jacks for a completely new performance experience.
For the novice enthusiast or the seasoned professional player, Etherwave Theremin offers exceptional sonics, playability, and control to take your sound into new dimensions.
• Etherwave Theremin
• Detachable Pitch Antennae
• Detachable Volume Antennae
• Calibration Tool
• Power Supply
• Quickstart Guide
• User’s Manual
• Product Catalog